Sunday, August 17, 2008

Been a while....nice guy rant

well, its been a while since my last post, so I figured i'd write one.....not much has been goin on lately, but I have been trying to figure out what the hell girls want....I mean i've been told by so many girls all the bad stuff that they hate about their boyfriends and I, being the kinda shy person wanting to jump in on the dating game, listend to this and have been trying to be as much the opposite thinking this is what girls want, a guy that they can say good things about.....but, apperently thats not what they want, that is their deffinition of a friend....ive played this game for so long, i meet a girl and we start talkin and I think things are goin good and she seems to like me, but at some point when she figures out that I actually like her, she tells me she doesnt feel that way and then she moves away.....ive read many different things about this and it just gets very confusing, and ive just have to be a dick to get noticed, you have to be rich and kinda gay looking for them to be attracted to you, and if she ever does end up liking/dating you, you must continue to be some ratio of dick to nice guy in order for it to last.....why cant a guy just be himself and tell a girl he likes her without her gettng all freaked out....(oh, your like a brother to me, i think we should just be friends.... ) i mean, give a nice guy a try, he may not be ripped, or the most popular, or the piece of $hit your used too.....but at least he'll respect you, treat you like a person, and show you a good time.....but I guess that is just how things are and thats how they are gonna stay. I hate cable tv

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