Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Well today wasn't to bad, got most of me work done, get part of tomorrow off, and I'm currently listening to a nice kind of easy listening 'blogging song' as it were... The song is Black Wave by The Shins...I decided to give this Last.fm thing a try and so far its pretty cool. Basically what you do is type in an artist name (someone you like) and this place comes up with a selection of songs that sound simalar to songs that band sings..kinda like a "you like that?.?. well try this!!" sort of deal, only thing is you have to pay for certain parts of it, not sure which yet. Its only like $3.00 a month but im a bit cheap with online transactions...Moving on...I stoped to grab something to eat yesturday and a good friend was there workin. She is a pretty cute girl, not but a couple years younger than me, and has a unique and interesting personallity. I have come across the idea of askin her to hang out with me sometime, I can think of a few things to do. The thing is ive been a bit out of thouch with my charming side for quite some time. If you have read some of me previous post you may have noticed how frustrated I have been...I just dont want to screw it up again. I sure as hell am not going to ask anyone out over a network based connection again, that seems to be a really bad idea...Anyway luck be with me....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Go old times

Today I got to spend time with my friends like we used to in high school. Me, Travis, Greg, Renae, and Kailee all drove to Evansville to eat and look around. Of coarse being a Sunday there's not much to do, but we still had an interesting evening. Ate at Olive Garden, discussed relationship stuff (like always)...it would really be nice to have someone for me to share stuff like this with. I supose being single has its advantages, but one can only stand to be alone for so long before one gets too used to being by ones self...On an off note, I recently finished my very long over due project of building a spedometer for my VW Bettle. I built it using an arduino, lcd, and a reed switch assembly for a bicycle. It worked rather well for a sort of weekend project, it is accurate to about 4 miles an hour. In order to increse the accuracy I will have to add more magnets and change the math equation a bit, but I have to work once again so it may be awhile before testing again...I do plan on posting the project as well as some sample code in the future, once everything is fine tuned....