Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday The Thirteenth...

One of the most superstitious of days out of the year. So apparently "Friday the 13th" is the rare day that everything goes wrong or bad things happen. I didn't have much of a bad day really, although I did notice a few things that were a bit odd. Like on my way to work I counted about 15 dead animals spread out like "pancakes" all over the highway. birds, squires, chipmunks, groundhogs, a deer....monkey, giraffe, and a homeless man...OK not the last few but a wide variety of critters spread out over about a 12 mile stretch, pretty creepy. other than that it was a pretty nice day, not many clouds, warming up outside, and not very many ignorant or irrational customers came into the shop. as for my last post I have "recovered" so to speak, a very good friend and I had a talk and I felt better after that....I guess everyone has s#itty spells every once in a while, when life starts getting stressful and overwhelming, you just need to talk to someone to get it out there and off your metaphorical chest, and encourage you to Think good things....It is quite difficult to talk to people when I feel that way, I feel much better when I do speak my mind though.(respectfully of course) :]

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cabin Fever?

So its been getting pretty crappy for me over the last few days, my friends won't hang out with me anymore nor make any sort of attempt to contact me. I sit at my job starring at my computer screen thinking about how I could somehow meet a decent girl in this $#itty town, everyday I see couples and hear this depressing bull on the radio, all love songs and relationship stuff, tv always has couples on every channel, the internet has ads about it, my computer has popups every time I boot it with at least 1 picture and 1 story about some relationship, I'm really getting f#cking tired of it. My job pisses me off at some point everyday, being single and alone for the last 6 years is making me sick I've never kissed a girl in my life and I'm 19! last time I had a girlfriend I was in the 7th grade. I hate stupid drivers, the weather, and never having time to do anything. I am financially stable, in good health, and in good living conditions, but I have no one to love or hug or share anything with. I feel isolated, alone, and cheated. I have been nice to everyone my whole life and have little to nothing to show for it. What am I supposed to do? if I dont find Someone soon, I think im gonna have a nervous breakdown...human beings must have some form of deep or trustworthy interaction with others, I have trouble trusting people anymore, its starting to really bug me when I see couples......I dont know........