Sunday, October 18, 2009

So much to learn, feeling of no time to learn it....

So I have all of these books that I have attained over the last year or so, that I want to pull all of the information from and place so neatly into my head for future use. These books range on many topics covering things from flight training (near the top of my list) to magic tricks, psychology, and many other interesting things. I found that I don't have a lot of time to read them while I'm in a state of mind to efficiently absorb the information within the books. I notice if I try to read them at an "off time" my mind wanders and I find myself reading the same few sentences over and over without even remembering anything I just read. The only time that I seem to be really good at it is about 1 to 2 hours before I need to go to bed. After that time I start to get tired and again I keep reading, yet nothing sinks in....I blame television, for its numerous commercials with their sometimes awfully retarded display of they're marketing departments understanding of sales techniques. Each one designed to "amaze" and "strike awl" in us...Truly, it rather pisses me off more than give me that unsettling chill of really wanting anything that I've seen on television for a long time. I saw a commercial today of a stack of bills with fake eyes glued to the top selling car insurance. It made me want to cave my head in with the corner of the coffee table more than wanting to spend the unjust $900+ every 6 months for car insurance that our government was so nice to make a legal requirement for all car owners. If your going to make it a law that we must pay, probably to fix your f$#%-ups, at least put some kind of cap on it...Ive never had a wreck and its a used car. WTF? now that im off topic and getting a bit angry, I see its my bed time...