Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sad day....

So I was talking to a friend of mine last night, and I asked how she was doing...shortly there after I found out that her grandfather had passed away :( .....I didnt know what too say, I felt bad for her....she seemed to be having a terrible string of bad luck and this just sort of added to it.... I wanted to make her happy, anything I could do to cheer her up, to keep her from being sad.....but Im afraid this is one thing I can not be of much help in....people sort of have there own ways of dealing with death. It can make people terribly uncomfortable and act in ways unfavorable.....I think its best if I try not to tell jokes, offer a night out on the town, or even try to make light of the situation.....I hope she knows that I am here if she needs someone to talk too or whatever.....I wish the best for her and her family, and pray that her grandfather is in heaven, as an angel ready to change her luck.....

"It seems as though fate does not come without a sence of irony" - Morpheus