Sunday, March 23, 2008

Cable Sucks

So i was watchin a little TV today and after watching a few shows and flippin through the channels I started to notice how bad Tv has become since I was little. all of the good cartoons have been canceled and replaced with dramatic teenage sitcoms with no originality. The more adult stations like comedy central, sci-fi, or real.....have so many commercials selling useless products and services, like weight-loss pills, and cheap plastic devices that will give you "lean toned hardened muscles in three weeks" , all of the pills they advertise, and most of all, since its now a law that you must have car insurance to drive, we have to see all the damn car insurance commercials(and i have no idea who their target audience is there, no teenager is gonna find those stupid "esurance" commercials to be cool). Its getting ridiculous. One of the much more irritating things i have noticed is the painful increase in volume when certain commercials air. Then i noticed its not just tv thats gotten bad either, the news advertises the "worst" news as the top stories. You don't usually see something good on the cover of a newspaper anymore, its usually a car accident or how much more gas prices are despite any change of anything, (personally i think somebody's milking this gas bull for all were worth). magazines talk about the latest celeb drug/sex gossip......what happened to the encouraging cartoons that disney use to make or the good news making the cover story, or when magazines use to talk about all the great movies that good actors where in......."my o my how the times have changed"....

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