Monday, June 1, 2009


What is an imaginary place? I find it is sometimes difficult to explain the tremendous amount of information that collects in my mind. I can be sitting on a green stool at work in the middle of the afternoon, in a yellow room, when not a word has been said for no less than an hour and suddenly start to laugh at something I'm thinking about. I sit and in my boredom and distaste of my inability to talk to my co-worker/friend without finding myself with more responsibilities or duties, complements of "Friends" who have decided to fend for themselves (to cover their own ass I suppose). So I imagine things in response to keep my mind occupied. I recently have been visiting this place, a few times so far, each time getting more and more detailed and more easily perceived. This place is always dark at first. I am sitting on something like a park bench or a comfy camping chair(I haven't decided) but it is wide enough for two people, me and a girl. This girl is no one specific, which is hard to imagine, I don't have a girl friend or even a close friend that is a girl really, so I am trying to Keep the details of her face soft and unfocused to prevent any sort of an I sit here with my arm around her, we are on the top of a building, about 4 or 5 stories high, higher than all the rest. I look out and up and feel a slight breeze, and see the moon, and the stars are everywhere. Each time I come to this place the billions of stars get brighter as well as the moon, but you never see anything around except the edges of the rooftop, to my right is my girl and I am sitting in my comfy chair with her. I haven't a care in the world in this place. its just me and her... Sadly, I have never been in love. I like to imagine what it is like, but of coarse I have no idea or any basis. but who does, few people have experienced true love. someday, some girl will give me a chance...I just hope I haven't waited to long...


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