Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More Thinking

so I was kinda pondering on my inability to achieve companionship with a nice girl, and I came to the conclusion that it may be that since I have been single for so long( and have become shy and insecure because of that)....when a girl does show interest in me I tend to focus to much on her to soon...apparently this sends the wrong "signals" and she flees in horror (so to speak)...So I guess being a nice guy isn't really the problem its the being too nice by treating a girl like a girlfriend before she is a girlfriend. I can see how that would bother a lot of girls, having a guy treat her like royalty after only knowing her for a short while...I dont intend for it to happen that way but thats how it happens to happen....So I need to find that spot between "the nice guy" class and "the friend zone" and hope it works out....but it still bugs me that girls like these dominant assholes, why try and tame a dickhead, when it takes you nowhere and ultimately breaks your heart, when you could be with a sweet guy and rough the edges a bit....I think it would feel better helpin a guy out rather than trying to keep some 'billy badass' from treating the waiter like crap....but anyway thats some more "on the drive home" thinking.....

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