Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Stressfull Day

well, today was a bit stressful to say the least. we received 5 pc's yesterday to be custom built, and after building them we hooked them up to get windows loaded on them..... unfortunately only one of them worked. come to find out, of the 5 pc's 3 of them had faulty BIOS chips, 1 simply would not boot at all and instead would just make multiple long beeps (most likely bad mobo), and the last one luckily seemed to work fine. So we ordered some new boards from a different company with our fingers crossed. Another thing that really bothers me at the shop is...... no matter how hard it is raining, some people find it absolutely necessary to bring their computers into the shop dripping wet( with no cover or plastic bag over it). which means if they just brought it in for a quick software fix and the rain water (unnoticed) fry's their mobo they will blame us for it. anywho this is my first post and i intend to post some more so feel free to comment....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea I hate those people that don't know how to take care of there computers. What dumbasses....its pouring down rain but let's not cover your computer. You know water won't hurt it at all....lol dunbasses...